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reading notes of a survey about knob tuning


tuning problems

  • what are the tuning objectives
    • performance evaluation
      • configure the databases for high performance => throughput, latency
      • improve resource utilization , thus reduce maintenance costs without sacrificing performance => i/o, memory usage
    • a tuning methoad is evaluated from
      • performance => how well it can achieves the objectives in a given scenario
      • Overhead => how much time or system resource it requires
      • Adaptivity (more crucial for online tuning) => how well it achieves the objectives in new scenarios
      • safety (more crucial for online tuning) => whether it can avoid selecting knob settings that cause performance degradation
  • what to tune
    • how to evaluate the knob-performance relations
    • how to select important knobs
  • With what to tune => how to select tuning features (workloads, database state, hardware enviroments), which can reflect the database execution behaviors and potentially affect the tuning performance
    • tuning fatures are in high demensional space
      • many features capture similar tuning characteristics => drop the redundant features
    • many fatures are in deversified domains => combine or embed useful features into the same input domain
  • how to tune
    • the search space is large
    • obtaining the tuning performance is costly
    • Not intelligently recommend knob setting based on scenario characteristic and tuning objectives

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 12.35.34


knob tuning includes

knob selection

Main categories of knobs

  • access control
    • affect the database performance by balancing the cocurrency and execution efficiency
    • vital to select cocurrency knob to balance throuput and latency
  • query optimization
    • controls the generation of query plans
      • whether to use sequential scan or index scan
    • affect the quality of generated query plans from three main aspects
      • physical operators
      • planning policies
      • cost evaluation
    • can generate efficient query plans that significantly improve the query performance.
  • quey execution
    • aim to configure physical execution mechanisms
  • Background processes => BP
  • resource management => RM

Existing selection algorithm

=> filter unimportant knobs and reduce the configuration space

  • Empirical-based

  • Ranking-based

    • sample collection => aim to provide high-quality samples (knob settings) for knob ranking

      • randomly select knob settings as samples => lead to bias and miss many conbinations of effective knob values
      • latin hypercube sampling (LHS) => cannot utilize prior knowledge to filter inferior knob settings, which lead to many ineffective samples
      • hybrid method used in HUNTER => generate samples based on both the empirical rules and search algorithm, hard to generalize to different scenarios
    • knob ranking => aims to rank the knobs based on collected configuration samples

      • Plackett & Burman (P&B)

      • a linear regression method called Lasso used in OtterTune

        => takes samples as independent variables (X) and takes the selected performance metrics as dependent variables (y).

        => It employs a regularized version of least squares to rank the knobs and it’s a regression model function that shrinks the weights of the knobs towards those with high-performance impact. By automatically adjusting the value of parameter lambda, Lasso can control the number of knobs it selects.

        => however it ignores the non-linear relationship between knobs so that the selected knob affects the ordering of the other knobs

      • ensemble of regression trees

        => builds a random forest for the samples and the corresponding performance and selects important knobs based on the random forests.

        => it can capture the non-linear relationship between knobs

  • pros of above two

    • rely on simple assumptions
    • can’t capture the correlations of knobs
    • miss valuable knobs
    • rely on a large numer of samples

Feature selection

commonly-used features

tuning features includes:

workload features

  • capture the workload characteristic
  • operators, execution costs
  • three main characteristic that determine the tuning requirements of different workloads
    • query featrues
    • concurrency features
    • accessed data features

database metric features

  • capture the underlying database characteristic
  • extracted from executions
  • can infer the database state under the workload
  • three categories to reflect the execution state:
    • tuning objective metrics => 1) identify important knobs, 2) evaluate tuning methods and 3) reflect the database performance or resource usage
      • latency
      • throughput
    • database runtime metrics => utilize database state metrics to reflect the workloads at database level and query state metrics for query-level tuning
      • database state metrics
      • query state metrics
    • table statistics => 1) reflect the data distribution and 2) profile the scale of access data

existing techniques

two main approaches

  • workload encoding

    • the read/write ratios of the workload

      => the read-only, write-only, and read-write workloads.

    • extracting detailed query information to represent the workload execution features

      => build a vector based on the query plan and the cost estimation

      => the vector contains three parts, i.t., the query types, the tables used by the query, and the query cost

    • occurency frequency

      => only usilize the sql query features

      1. selectively extract some keywords for queries that frequently appear and utilize a probabilistic model called Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), which helps to identify the importance of extracted keywords
      2. infer the cost levels by utilizing random forest to classify queries based on their TF-IDF feature vectors.
      3. utilize the TF-IDF feature vectors and average cost levels to represent the corresponding workload
  • database metric selection

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Tuning methods

4 tuning methods

  • heuristic
    • cons => easy to implement
    • pros
      • randomly sample, challenging to find promising settings among large configuration space within limited tuning time
      • can not use historical tuning data and prior knowledge
      • waste time in evaluating the search space of inferior settings
  • bo-based
    • cons
      • can quickly find high-quality knob settings when the knob number is small
      • do not require prepared training data
    • pros => cannot efficiently represent and explore large configuration space since it base on probability distribution assuming thhe knob-performance relations following gaussian distribution
  • Deep learning => replace the gaussian process model with neural networks
    • pros => require a large number of high-quality samples to train
  • reinforcement learning => proposed to explore suitable settings by the inteaction between the agent (the tuning model) and the environment (the taeget database)
    • Cons
      • do not require prepared training data
      • have no limitation on the size of the configuration space
    • pros
      • the overhead is much higher than bo-based method
      • performance greatly depends on the initially sampled knob settings

challenges summary

=> How existing methods address those challenges

transfer techniques

=> utilize historically well-trained tuning models

common feature extraction

  • directly extracts the common features of different workloads

  • two main challenges

    • workload may have different access patterns, hard to embed for unseen workloads

    • need to design an extra workload embedding model, which require much prepared training data

adaptive weight transferring

  • adapt to new scenarios by preparing a suite of tuning models that are welltrained under historical workloads
    • use similarity to map new workload to an old one

knob tuning system

  • Commercial relational database
  • big data analytics systems

research challenges and future opportunities

  1. 1. Everything
    1. 1.1. tuning problems
  2. 2. framework
    1. 2.1. knob selection
      1. 2.1.1. Main categories of knobs
      2. 2.1.2. Existing selection algorithm
    2. 2.2. Feature selection
      1. 2.2.1. commonly-used features
        1. workload features
        2. database metric features
      2. 2.2.2. existing techniques
    3. 2.3. Tuning methods
      1. 2.3.1. 4 tuning methods
      2. 2.3.2. challenges summary
    4. 2.4. transfer techniques
      1. 2.4.1. common feature extraction
      2. 2.4.2. adaptive weight transferring
    5. 2.5. knob tuning system